Monday, April 26, 2010

Sunday, April 18, 2010

I woke up at about 8:00am today. My back was still hurting, so I was trying to decide if I should go to church. I decided I should go.

As I was listening, someone talked about families. He said there are seven things families should do together everyday. They are:

Sit together

Study together

Pray together

Play together

Eat together

Fast together

Work together

I thought that was so cool. I am going to send it to Taylor.

When we got home from church, we had a yummy meal. After that my mom and dad started to fight. They worked it out a half hour later. We watched a funny movie after that. During the movie I wrote a letter Taylor a letter:

Letter to Taylor

Hola Taylor! Como estas? It’s so much fun writing letters to you1 How is everyone there? Good? Taylor…. I love you so much, and I am so proud of you! You are the best big brother a girl can have. I love you so much!

Taylor… You sound so sad in your letter. I will always forgive you. You are the best Tay! I am so happy that you are on a mission. You bless the family every day you’re out there. I don’t want you to be sad Tay, I want you to be HAPPY, and I want you to enjoy your self and have fun. I love you so much and I can’t seem to stop my self from saying that, but it is true.

Taylor, you are a big blessing to me. I know the church is true Taylor. I know Joseph Smith is a true prophet. I know Heavenly Father has a plan for each and everyone of us. I know Heavenly Father has you as my older brother for a reason. I know Heavenly Father loves you and guides you.

Taylor, You have an amazing spirit. To know you’re out there, you give me streignth and corage to go through these things. I love you so much Taylor, and do so, in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.

Lots of love

You sister, Emily.

End Letter

After I wrote my letter, my dad took me on a scooter ride. It was FUN! We went to my grandparent’s house after that. I saw my little cousins.

At 9:00 my dad took us home, then we went to bed.

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